EDI Managed Services

Enhance Your EDI with Expert Monitoring and Maintenance

Our fully managed EDI service means our team of experts handles your entire EDI infrastructure and processes, enabling you to focus on your core business and achieve greater efficiency.

Our service offers significant cost savings, improved cybersecurity, and 24/7 support, ensuring a seamless EDI experience.


What can you expect from an EDI Managed Service?

Our managed service supports organisations of all EDI expertise levels, helping you meet the evolving demands of global trade and scale rapidly as your business grows. Enjoy cost savings, greater operational visibility, and more scalability with our expert-led EDI support.

EDI Managed Services from Data Interchange will bring you:

cost savings

Companies adopting our managed services typically save 25% on costs. Reduce recruitment expenses and streamline processes with our expert team managing your EDI operations as an integral part of your business.

Remove connectivity issues and cut costs

Our experienced team ensures seamless implementation and maintenance of EDI hardware and software, managing your infrastructure to simplify costs, operations, and connectivity. Benefit from reduced supplier errors, improved fault response times, and service restoration.

Minimised downtime and disruption

Our experts monitor your EDI activities, from early fault identification to bringing greater solution uptime. Ensure minimal disruption and quick resolution of issues, so that you and your trading partners can operate smoothly.

How EDI Managed Services work

EDI Managed Services on Data Interchange’s Value Added Network (VAN), DiNet, means our team owns the maintenance of your entire EDI system, including trading partner management, data integration and implementation. 

The result? Comprehensive functional acknowledgement capabilities, proactive monitoring, and alerts to ensure smooth data exchanges without worrying about delays or errors.

Cloud-based communication

Legacy EDI solutions often lack in-house technical expertise. Our Managed Services bridge this gap by providing robust cloud-based communication solutions that enable secure and efficient data exchanges.

Get support and expertise tailored to your and your trading partners' needs. We handle trading partner onboarding, provide ongoing support, and ensure compliance with various EDI standards like EDIFACT/X12/VDA/Tradacoms.

What Support Do I Need_

Personalised support

We understand how critical it is to the smooth running and success of your businesses. Many businesses who have EDI support which doesn't meet their expectations reach out to us because of the negative impact it has on their business.

Click here to find out more about our support & services. We promise to deliver an exceptional EDI service so that you can focus on your business objectives.

Simplify supplier trading with our EDI expertise

With Data Interchange’s EDI Managed Services, your organisation can benefit from our team’s extensive expertise in EDI. We take the steps to implement and test EDI with new trading partners, offering you full reassurance.

Web-based EDI

Web-based EDI

With Web EDI, your suppliers can generate, receive and manage business-critical documents in a web browser. As part of a Managed Service, Web EDI simplifies onboarding large numbers of suppliers to digital trading without costly implementations, cutting costs throughout your entire EDI network.

Data Interchange’s Supplier Portal and PartnerXchange (PX) features are designed to allow speedy downstream EDI adoption, regardless of in-house EDI experience. The Supplier Portal provides operational visibility, enabling suppliers to monitor any EDI trading partner errors that impact quality ratings or result in chargeback fines. PX is particularly beneficial for small and mid-sized companies, offering a highly intuitive cloud and web-based EDI solution. Accessible 24/7 via any internet browser, PX ensures seamless document flow, predictive analytics, and full visibility of EDI documents.

Communication on a global scale

Cloud-based communication provides a cost-effective foundation for supply chain management, enabling extensive data exchanges with trading partners from around the globe.

Our managed service sets up and runs various communication strategies aligned with your trading partner requirements and reaping the benefits of cloud-based communications. Our technology establishes connections, file transfers, and EDI web services for your supply chain partners. 

Communication on a global scale

Fully managed EDI from Data Interchange: the benefits

Active Support


Get access to an EDI service delivery manager, who acts as your point of contact whenever issues arise, or service changes are required.

A solution that fits your business

A solution that fits your business

Get access to an EDI service delivery manager, who acts as your point of contact whenever issues arise, or service changes are required.

Enhanced resilience


Keep your EDI operational with the help of our team, ensuring minimised downtime, maintained compliance and trading partner satisfaction.

Global leaders depend on Data Interchange EDI solutions


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Learn how Data Interchange and EDI-as-a-Service can transform your supply chain relationships and help you drive a competitive advantage today.